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30.09.2007 | 20:54:28

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23.10.2023 | 23:53:38

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Roger: Типа Дирак-дурак

Хотелось бы скорее типа в адрес выступающих на семинаре. Типа такую глупость может говорить только человек, ни черта не понимающий.
Интересуюсь с целью понять про закалку физиков.
номер сообщения: 49-54-43369



24.10.2023 | 07:13:42

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VicS: Типа такую глупость может говорить только человек, ни черта не понимающий.
Интересуюсь с целью понять про закалку физиков.

Вы, наверное, путаете физиков с «политологами».
номер сообщения: 49-54-43370




24.10.2023 | 07:53:06

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Чего ж не спутать иногда. Сказки пустой, бессмысленной толпы о тех и других похожи. На первый взгляд.
А где ж взять второй? Пойти физике поучиться у умных людей?
А их где взять?
Прошу извинить за офффтопку.
номер сообщения: 49-54-43371




24.10.2023 | 10:52:08

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"как именно обзывались на разных там семинарах" я знаю только из баек, сам не слышал.
Ландау живым не застал, а другие были не такими агрессивными.

Audiatur et altera pars
номер сообщения: 49-54-43372



24.10.2023 | 11:47:45

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Самое "эффектное" чему был свидетелем. Один из March Meeting в начале-середине 90-х, когда физиков-россиян было еще не очень много в зале. После доклада два очень известных российских физика (один докладчик) устроили бурную дискуссию (на английском), но долгое время все было в рамках "физических понятий". Но в конце концов один не выдержал и сообщил аудитории "...Что бывает, если сапоги начнет тачать пирожник" (по русски, разумеется). После этого на физику все забили, но все русскоязычные физики стали экспертами на час, объясняя тем кто не имел подходящего культурного базиса , что эта фраза означает.
номер сообщения: 49-54-43373




24.10.2023 | 11:56:03

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Сейчас я вспомнил, что был как-то в 90-е или даже в самом конце 80-х на конференции по двумерным системам (модная тогда тема) в Черноголовке, организованной институтом Ландау. Там действительно некоторые локальные свары между русскоговорящими имели место. Но без мата.)

Audiatur et altera pars
номер сообщения: 49-54-43374



28.10.2023 | 18:34:48

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Few Americans Have Gotten the New Covid Shots, C.D.C. Finds

Just over 7 percent of adults and 2 percent of children had received the shot as of Oct. 14, according to a survey presented on Thursday to scientific advisers to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
номер сообщения: 49-54-43391




28.10.2023 | 19:57:56

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Беда, коль пироги начнет печи сапожник,
А сапоги тачать пирожник,
И дело не пойдет на лад.
Да и примечено стократ,
Что кто за ремесло чужое браться любит,
Тот завсегда других упрямей и вздорней:
Он лучше дело всё погубит,
И рад скорей
Посмешищем стать света,
Чем у честных и знающих людей
Спросить иль выслушать разумного совета.

Хороший стишок, но трудновато понять: это про других?
номер сообщения: 49-54-43392



30.10.2023 | 20:21:36

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COVID Lockdowns Were a Giant Experiment. It Was a Failure. A key lesson of the pandemic
номер сообщения: 49-54-43393



30.10.2023 | 20:33:36

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Face mask effectiveness: What science knows now

Это перед предполагаемой новой волной ковида в популярной передаче. Здесь интересно, что насколько помнится, в начале ковиде маски не рекомендовались со ссылкой на исследование, что люди (там кажется были медицинские студенты), трогают, поправляют их, а потом заражаются ,трогая руками нос или глаза. Здесь утверждается, что никаких доказательств, чтобы это было настолько распространено, чтобы снижало эффективность масок, в период ковида не обнаружено.
номер сообщения: 49-54-43394



08.11.2023 | 20:12:00

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Boris Johnson wanted to be injected with Covid on TV - ex-adviser

The remark was made in September 2020 but first reported in April 2021. At the time, Mr Johnson dismissed the report, calling it "total rubbish".

The claim - by Lord Lister - came in a witness statement to the Covid inquiry.

He said Mr Johnson "suggested to senior civil servants and advisers that he wanted to be injected with Covid-19 on television to demonstrate to the public that it did not pose a threat". It was "at a time when Covid was not seen as being the serious disease it subsequently became", he added. He said it was an "unfortunate comment" that had been "made in the heat of the moment". He also confirmed his former boss had said letting "the bodies pile high" was preferable to another lockdown.
номер сообщения: 49-54-43397



не то, чтобы очень
но и не так, чтобы совсем не

08.11.2023 | 21:11:09

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grizly: COVID Lockdowns Were a Giant Experiment. It Was a Failure. A key lesson of the pandemic

But there was never any science behind lockdowns — not a single study had ever been undertaken to measure their efficacy in stopping a pandemic.

Не совсем понятно, что имеется в виду, поскольку за эти годы опубликованы тысячи статей на тему.
номер сообщения: 49-54-43398



08.11.2023 | 21:56:54

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Ну что на момент принятия решений о локдауне не было подобных событий на такой шкале, и соответсвенно трудно было предсказать поведение людей. Т.е. у них речь о большом социальном эксперименте, а с эпидемиологией-то все понятно.
номер сообщения: 49-54-43399



22.11.2023 | 20:58:38

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Army sends letter to troops dismissed for refusing COVID vaccine amid military's recruitment woes

The U.S. Army sent a letter to former service members dismissed for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine, informing them they can request corrections of their discharge records, as the military branch reportedly struggles with recruitment three years after the onset of the pandemic.

The letter, which gained traction on social media, was addressed to former service members and notified of "new Army guidance regarding the correction of military records for former members of the Army following the rescission of the COVID-19 vaccination requirement."
номер сообщения: 49-54-43408



22.11.2023 | 21:38:56

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4 out of 5 Mexicans who got a flu shot this year turned down Cuban and Russian COVID-19 vaccines

Assistant Health Secretary Ruy López Ridaura attributed the high refusal rate to people being reluctant to get two vaccines at the same time.

“People have a certain reluctance to get simultaneous vaccinations,” López Ridaura said.

But the population eligible for flu and COVID-19 shots — people over 60 and people with underlying health problems — are considered high-risk, and Mexicans in those groups had extremely high take-up rates for Covid vaccines in 2021 and 2022, according to the Health Department.

Some people appear to simply distrust the Russian Sputnik and Cuban Abdala vaccines, both designed in 2020 for variants prevalent at the time.

Mexico has bought millions of doses of the Russian and Cuban vaccines. The original plan was to administer around 20 million shots, but only about 1.9 million people, or 9.5% of those eligible, have agreed to take them since the vaccination campaign started in mid-October.

In contrast, 10 million people got the influenza shot in the same period.

Meanwhile, Mexico has held up approval for Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 boosters, both of which were designed to work against the COVID variants currently circulating. While those shots have been approved for use in the United States since September, they may not be available for Mexicans until 2024.
номер сообщения: 49-54-43409



23.11.2023 | 11:07:05

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Москва, 1960: "Однако в столице разразилась эпидемия оспы. В карантин поместили более 9000 человек, все 7 миллионов жителей Москвы были вакцинированы. Через месяц вспышку оспы удалось погасить. Наш турнир, как назло, перенесли на два месяца, хотя вся информация о карантине была "за семью печатями".

(Альберт Капенгут Теоретик, игрок, тренер. М., 2023, С.12)
номер сообщения: 49-54-43410



23.11.2023 | 18:31:39

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ВОЗ запросила у Китая данные об очагах детской пневмонии на севере страны

Как передают китайские негосударственные СМИ, педиатрические больницы в некоторых районах страны переполнены больными детьми.

Китайские власти связывают всплеск заболеваемости гриппом в этом сезоне с отменой антиковидных мер.

Вполне может быть. В других странах большие и ранние эпидемии гриппа были в прошлом году из-за ослабшего иммунитета
на грипп, а в Китае, может быть, в этом из-за задержки с отменой мер. Китайская эпидемия, правда, позже все равно распространится на другие страны.
номер сообщения: 49-54-43411



30.11.2023 | 23:14:23

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Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sues Pfizer, alleges pharma giant lied about COVID vaccine efficacy
номер сообщения: 49-54-43412



30.11.2023 | 23:23:47

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JN.1 variant has exceptional growth advantage. Destined to be dominant here in the weeks ahead, and fortunately the XBB.1.5 (updated) booster renders some protection.

номер сообщения: 49-54-43413



01.12.2023 | 23:10:10

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Republicans urge Biden to suspend China travel amid uptick in respiratory illness

In their letter to Biden Senate Republicans repeatedly made references to a “mystery” and “unknown” illness affecting children in China.

“As you know, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has a long history of lying about public health crises. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the CCP’s obfuscation of the truth, and lack of transparency, robbed the United States of vital knowledge about the disease and its origin,” the letter stated.

В каком-то смысле похоже 2020 год
номер сообщения: 49-54-43414



01.12.2023 | 23:59:03

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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) and California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) hit each other over their record on COVID-19 as the two clashed in a feisty debate on Fox News on Thursday night.
номер сообщения: 49-54-43415



05.12.2023 | 19:47:45

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December 4th Update:

As predicted, a huge jump in numbers this week. 40% up over last week. Pirola ⬆️⬆️.
🔸850,000 new infections/day
🔸1 in every 390 new people were infected today
🔸1 in every 39 people currently infected

There is a big differential between regions at the moment. Looking at biobot and other metrics:
🔸️Midwest, East coast, and Mountain states: 1 in every 27 are currently infected. Very high.
🔸️South and West Coast States: about 1 in 59

номер сообщения: 49-54-43416



07.12.2023 | 01:32:30

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One in four who had Pfizer Covid jabs experienced unintended immune response

It was thought the minor tweak to uridine caused no problems in cells, but a team of researchers at the University of Cambridge’s Medical Research Council (MRC) Toxicology Unit have now found when this partially synthetic code is read, the protein-making machine in the body sometimes struggles with the uridine analogues.

Because it is not a perfect fit for what is expected, there can be a momentary pause which causes the process to stutter and a letter in the code can get skipped, much like a bike slipping a gear.

This issue, caused by the jab’s code, throws the process completely out of sync and the entire subsequent code becomes garbled.

In the case of the Covid jabs, the end result is a nonsensical and harmless protein, the team found, which the body attacks and leads to an immune system flare-up. The new study, published in Nature, found this occurred in around 25-30 per cent of people.

The vaccine is read well enough to create the strong protection against the coronavirus, the scientists say, but the frameshifting issue creates what was, until now, an unknown off-target effect.

The code relating to the Covid vaccines was harmless and no issues were created. However the team say that subsequent mRNA vaccines used for other diseases or infections could, in theory, lead to viable proteins being created that are active in the body.

In this scenario not only is the vaccine not making the right protein, it could lead to a rogue protein being produced.

There is no evidence of this occurring in the Covid jabs, the authors stress, and they say any trials on other mRNA therapeutics would detect any such problems in early stages.

N1-methylpseudouridylation of mRNA causes +1 ribosomal frameshifting

mRNA vaccines may make unintended proteins, but there’s no evidence of harm
номер сообщения: 49-54-43418



07.12.2023 | 01:36:19

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За псевдоуридин Нобелевскую премию дали
номер сообщения: 49-54-43419



07.12.2023 | 01:40:07

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The authors also found that there is an easy way to eradicate the frameshifting events which relies on changing the code of the mRNA drug to minimise the use of the problematic pseudo-uridine.

Replacing it with a natural base that when read as a trio still makes the correct amino acid is enough to stop the unwanted skips and therefore improve safety without sacrificing efficacy.

Странно, в этом случае проблемой считалось то, иммунная система атакует саму мРНК.

PS. Еще, насколько помню, в начале пандемии, Трамп пытался купить какую-то немецкую компанию. Она делала мРНК вакцину без замены, но потом ее эффективность оказалось низкой
номер сообщения: 49-54-43420



07.12.2023 | 03:49:48

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А, они предлагают заменить псевдоуридин только в отдельных местах --
The group found that ribosomes slow down when they encounter the pseudouridine, especially when the sequence contains several of them in a row. That’s likely because the altered bases “aren’t as good a fit” to the ribosomes as the standard ones, which raises the chance of frameshifts, Willis says. But there’s a simple solution, the researchers say. Because mRNA can use several codons for a given amino acid, the molecules can be designed to avoid the slip-prone codons. For example, mRNA designers can use the sequence UUC (two pseudouridines and a cytidine) instead of UUU (three pseudouridines). Both code for the same amino acid, but the former should produce fewer errors. It’s a bit like writing mom instead of mum, Willis says. “It means the same thing.”

The researchers have developed an algorithm that identifies the potentially problematic sequences and replaces them with ones less likely to cause slips. Because of the synonymous codons, the same protein still gets made, just more accurately, Willis says. “It’s such an easy fix, that’s what’s so exciting about it.”
номер сообщения: 49-54-43421



11.12.2023 | 00:55:06

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Rare clotting effect of early COVID shots finally explained — what could that mean for future vaccines?

The vaccine-related clotting disorder, known as vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT), was rare and linked to two shots: the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) and AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines. Both shots contained common-cold viruses called adenoviruses that were tweaked so that they couldn't infect cells.

Unraveling VITT

When VITT was first observed in patients getting COVID-19 vaccines in February 2021, scientists soon discovered that it had to do with PF4, a chemical signal released by platelets, the blood cells that form clots.

In rare cases after vaccination with an adenovirus-based vaccine, the body would make antibodies to PF4. These antibodies would latch onto PF4 and form clumps that could then bind to receptors called Fc on other platelets. This would activate the platelets and lead to a runaway clotting response.

The new Blood study found that PF4 alone also activates a second set of receptors that cause platelets to accumulate, likely a second reason why clotting goes haywire in this disorder.

There is still a long way to go, Nazy told Live Science, whose team first reported in 2021 how antibodies against PF4 were causing VITT. The new research suggests that there are actually two different ways that PF4 acts in VITT, he said. These two pathways are not exclusive and may work in tandem.

In the new study, researchers tested blood from healthy individuals and people with VITT to trace the cascade of signals that leads to the overactive clotting. They found that the PF4 activates a receptor called c-Mpl on platelets, which causes them to clump together. This is in addition to the mechanism discovered in 2021, in which complexes of PF4 and PF4 antibodies activate platelets' Fc receptors.

Не видно ничего в их объяснении, что предполагало бы, что такого не происходило в Спутнике.
номер сообщения: 49-54-43422



11.12.2023 | 02:31:00

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1st self-amplifying RNA vaccine got approval (Japan)

Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Approves CSL and Arcturus Therapeutics' ARCT-154, the first Self-Amplifying mRNA vaccine approved for COVID in adults

Self-copying RNA vaccine wins first full approval: what’s next?

ARCT-154 requires one-tenth to one-sixth as much vaccine per person as other RNA-based COVID-19 booster jabs. Reducing the amount of vaccine administered in each injection should result in lower production costs. And although the side-effect profile of ARCT-154 seems comparable to that of a conventional mRNA shot1, it is conceivable that the benefits of the platform’s smaller doses will help to mitigate the severity of aches, fevers, chills and other loathsome symptoms collectively known as reactogenicity.

These unpleasant reactions remain a considerable impediment for people to take mRNA-based vaccines. Consider the seasonal influenza vaccine. Existing jabs that use older vaccine technology cause only mild reactions. At present, several conventional mRNA-based flu jabs are progressing through clinical trials and these are showing promising signs of eliciting more protective antibodies than existing shots. Yet their side-effect profiles still leave room for improvement, notes Christian Mandl, co-founder and chief scientific officer of Tiba Biotech in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The saRNA vaccines’ “lower dose could help to solve some of the reactogenicity issues”, he says.
номер сообщения: 49-54-43423



11.12.2023 | 02:41:04

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The replication machinery is taken from a naturally occurring virus, a mosquito-borne pathogen known as Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus that causes deadly brain swelling in horses and humans. Notably, scientists at Arcturus have removed key genes from the viral sequence backbone, thus rendering the system non-infectious and safe for use in humans.

Кстати, дискуссия про саморепликацию была во время (не)одобрения аденовирусного Спутника в Бразилии (возможно просто из-за недоразумения). Не то, что это проблемой считалось бы само по себе, просто такие характеристики заявлены не были.
номер сообщения: 49-54-43424



11.12.2023 | 02:52:26

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Только не пойму, как цепочка саморепликации в конце концов прекращается. По идее, на эту saRNA должен вырабатываться иммунитет, что делало бы ее хуже для повторного использования
номер сообщения: 49-54-43425